Our Curriculum
Our non-traditional approach to education sets us apart. We are the first and only Business Entrepreneurship and Technology High School in the Bahamas.

Our Approach To Learning
Our approach is hands-on, learning-by-doing wherever possible in all subjects. We aim to help all students succeed, whatever stage they are at in their learning journey. Students take a pre-assessment before each topic so we know the startingpoint . This enables us to adapt our instruction to what each student needs(give additional help, extended activities to stretch them, etc).
Where possible, students proceed at their own pace (but we guide thestudents to help keep them on track). Some take part in additional practice for Maths, English or any other requirements (during lunch, or after school). We follow “Modern Classroom Project” principles and use online learning environments so students can review what was covered in class (e.g. slides or instructional videos). Makes it easier for student to catch up when they are absent, or work at their own pace.
We use formative assessments (while learning is taking place) and summative assessments (at the end of a unit or topic) for grading. Students always have the opportunity to participate in additional summative assessments when they feel ready to attempt to improve their grade. We prepare students for SATs and relevant Certiport certifications. Where applicable, students can be prepared for BJC and BGCSE (optional).

- Computer fundamentals, representation of data, hardware/software.
- Block based programming, robotics, AI, databases, website design.
- Text-based programming with JavaScript, Python or Java.
- Use of software such as word processing, spreadsheets and presentations.
- IC3 Spark Certiport certification which covers a range of topics.

- NFTE curriculum includes learning about the entrepreneurial mindset.Includes
- GoVenture simulations to help learn to manage their own business.
- Students will be able to take a range of Certiport certifications.

- Helps students learn how to manage their money in the real world.
- Goal setting, jobs, managing a paycheque, saving, investing and retirement.

- Health Science (7/8), General Science (9) and Combined Science (10/11)
- Combined Science includes Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- Bahamian curriculum is followed for Science.
- Weekly physical lesson for exercise and outdoor time.
- Students encouraged to use the gym or basketball court in their free time.
- Curriculum includes theory of health, fitness and preparation for competition.

- Introduction to drawing, perspective, colour theory.
- Leading into digital art and animation.

- Springboard (with Quill and Zink for additional grammar and vocabulary)
- Reading, writing, analysing texts (including poetry and drama)
- Preparation for English SAT (but also BJC and BGCSE where applicable)
- Maths Springboard (with IXL for extra support, revision and additional practice)
- Includes geometry, trigonometry, equations, polynomials, quadratics, etc.
- Preparation for Mathematics SAT (but also BJC and BGCSE where applicable)
- Reading, writing, analysing texts (including poetry and drama)
- Preparation for English SAT (but also BJC and BGCSE where applicable)
- Maths Springboard (with IXL for extra support, revision and additional practice)
- Includes geometry, trigonometry, equations, polynomials, quadratics, etc.
- Preparation for Mathematics SAT (but also BJC and BGCSE where applicable)

- Grade 10 upwards.
- Citizenship, Governance, rights, economics and culture.
- Grade 10 upwards.
- Business history, ethical dilemmas, scandals, legal aspects.
- SWOT analysis on various businesses over time.
- Spotlight on local entrepreneurs as well as regional and worldwide.

- How effectively they can use their independent learning time to improve.
- IXL maths for additional practice, reading books, Quill or Zink for English.
- Practice exams / mocks (e.g. BJC, BGCSE, SAT).
- Time to complete additional homework or revision.

- Conversational skills in a foreign language to emphasize the global perspective.

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At the International School of Business, we nurture children to become leaders.